I Am That Content Creator Podcast

Ep#79 Breaking the Self-Doubt Cycle: How to Transform Your Inner Dialogue and Create Content That Converts

Kristen Werner & Mia Steel Season 1 Episode 79

Your mindset is the foundation of everything you create—and the biggest hurdle standing between you and content that converts. In this transformative episode, Mia and Kristen share a deceptively simple exercise that created profound shifts for their bootcamp participants, many of whom were moved to tears by the revelations it brought.

The exercise begins with honesty—writing down every negative thought you've had about yourself as a content creator. "I don't have what it takes," "My content won't go viral because I'm not interesting enough," "I'm scared of what people will say." Sound familiar? Then comes the perspective shift: imagine saying those same words to someone you love. The disconnect is jarring. We'd never speak to others with the cruelty we often direct at ourselves.

From this awareness emerges an opportunity to rewrite your internal narrative with powerful "I am" statements that affirm your worth and abilities. By placing these reminders where you'll see them during content creation, you can catch negative self-talk in real-time and replace it with empowering alternatives. As Mia points out, "Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes progress."

This mindset reset isn't just about feeling better—it's about removing the blocks that prevent you from creating consistently and authentically. Whether you're battling imposter syndrome or simply feeling stuck, this exercise provides a concrete way to transform how you speak to yourself, and consequently, how you show up in your content. Give yourself the gift of five uninterrupted minutes to try this exercise, and share your experience with us on social media by tagging us—we'd love to hear how it impacts your content creation journey.

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Speaker 1:

Are you ready to master the art of creating content that converts? Hey, I'm Mia, a mum of two who went from being a burnt out ambo to six-figure content creator in less than a year, all while navigating a late ADHD diagnosis. And I'm Kristen, also a mum of two and a former corporate branding queen turned entrepreneur. My dyslexic brain sees marketing very differently, and that's my superpower, and together we're showing women like you how to master video marketing and create content that generates income. Whether you're just starting out or ready to scale, we are breaking down everything from landing brand deals to building your own empire. Welcome to. I Am that Content Creator podcast where we turn scroll stopping content into serious income. No filters, no fluff, just real strategies from two neurodivergent mums who get it. So let's turn your phone into a video marketing machine and let's go.

Speaker 1:

Well, we have a little treaty mctreat for you today On the podcast. Today, we want to take you in some mindset work. Now, this is an activity that we did for our bootcamp in March last year, actually, and it still resonates very strongly with us and with our audience, and so, as a little podcast listener, I wanted to take you through it, mia, and I thought this was the perfect thing to do today, because when it comes to creating content, when it comes to showing up constantly online, when it comes to being that content creator mindset plays a huge part in how you actually find growth in this space. And so this particular little thing that we're going to take you through is exercise. We're going to take you through was something we did in our free Facebook group, in our free bootcamp, and the comments from the participants was mind blowing, and not that I like having people in tears, but it was that kind of thing that it really shook people to the core because they realized that internal monologue, that internal imposter syndrome, the conversation that you have with yourself, that can be quite dangerous as a content creator, because you are special, you are wonderful, and we hope that by doing this today and you will have time you can pause it where you got to. Pause it, create, write it down, get a piece of paper, be alone, get a cup of coffee, just be in your own space, because this, we know, is game changing, because we saw the comments just pop up in the Facebook group of people saying this completely changed the way I thought about myself. This has changed my content. This has changed how I feel about myself.

Speaker 1:

Some people are saying, oh my God, I would never, ever say this to anybody. This was incredible, like the testimonials and how people felt about this mindset exercise will blow your mind as well. So what we would love you to do is take some time to do this. It's not a long one, it's just something that we think is very important for you to do, and then what we want you to do is, once you've done it if it helps you, if it has, if you have an aha moment, if you have just one of those moments where you're like, holy crap, that is game changing Please share this on social media. Please share this with your following. Please tag us, because we love to see how we can be of support of you.

Speaker 1:

Creating a podcast can be really lonely for us because we don't know who's listening, but we know that when you do listen, that it can create change for you. So drop into the DMS, we love that. Or please tag us, but, most of all, do this exercise for you. Do this for the mindset shift that we know will work for you. So jump on and remember. This was on in our free bootcamp, which we will be doing quarterly. So watch out for that. But just, I don't know, get ready, because I think this one is going to really, really change your day, your week, yeah, let's hope, your year. But anyway, let's go. Oh, it's 11, 11.

Speaker 1:

Take you through an exercise, because one thing we know for sure in this space is mindset is a major fuckery. In this space it's the biggest thing and it's something that, if you can kind of get on top of it early or you can notice it happening, we can change that. And one thing that we often talk about is that rewriting your subconscious and giving it a new narrative, or just at least identifying the narrative that is actually going on in your mind. Because I know when we were reading through the comments in the Facebook group, lots of people were really coming and talking about the feeling overwhelmed, the feeling stuck, the not knowing our story. You know, is my story good enough? I see I'm new to this space. I don't know how to talk about it. So this stuff, that's all mindset, that's all you talking to yourself subconsciously and giving yourself a subconscious loop that we really want to cut off, and we want to cut that loop now.

Speaker 1:

So we are going to dive into that, today being day one, so that the rest of the week you feel like you can kind of go forth and conquer and at any stage you feel that mindset kind of like creeping out, like hey, boo, uh, you can be like, hey, fuck off. Um, not this week. I'm in a safe space, this is a safe space and, yeah, when you do feel like coming on, just think of us, just like me out on this shoulder, kristen on the other shoulder and, yeah, rewatch this stuff. And because this goes back to what we spoke about in video one, around those three pillars that we're talking about, that just keep coming up. So it's really by creating more content and being consistent, whatever that looks like for you, you are going to kind of overcome that niggling self-doubt that keeps cropping out, the imposter syndrome. So we're going to squash that, really want to get your mindset straight before we dive into the live sessions with the boot camp and, um, working through actual content. So without this mindset stuff, you're going to find it hard to move forward in your business.

Speaker 1:

So we really wanted to jump on this mindset stuff with you first here on day one, all right, yeah, so this is just a five minute exercise that we want you guys to do and we we've done it too and we'll show you our answers. But we want you to take a piece of paper, set up some music whatever music you want meditation, rock and roll, whatever suits you you do you and then, from the top in order, we want you to write for five minutes every negative thought, comment, question or thing that you've said to yourself about yourself that's holding you back. And just be honest with yourself. You know you don't have to read it out to anyone. Just read, be honest, but be kind and we'll give you five minutes to do that with some music and, honestly, just let it all out. And then, after the after, you do that. Yeah, and I think it's just really honest. It really important that when you do this exercise, go in it knowing that you might fear some of the things that you're going to write down, but we really encourage you to write them down because if they are in your head, they need to come out of there. You need to see them, and that's the exercise we're going to take you through. So be kind, but also know that this is going to be the next step in the catalyst for you creating content that gets you paid. So we really want you to remember that when you do this process. So you can put pause here, give yourself five minutes, put your song on and we'll see you in just a sec. All right, we want you to stop there.

Speaker 1:

Sit into how that made you feel. How did it make you feel on the inside? Was it heavy? Do you feel sad, a little bit crazy? Did you feel like those sort of emotions have been bottled up for a very long time? So close your eyes for a minute and have a think about that and then, when you open your eyes, look at your list. This is our list.

Speaker 1:

So some of the things that we've told ourselves before in the past and there's many more but things like I don't think I have what it takes. My friends and family think I'm delusional. This is going to go nowhere again. My content won't go viral because I'm not interesting enough. Nothing about me is different or stands out. I've been trying for so long. Maybe it's just not going to work. I'm so scared of what people will say Spelling mistake. That's my fault. You know what I mean, guys, but what? Another thing that we want you to do is. You've written out this list right, and there are all the things that you might be saying to yourself and, like Mia said, they're heavy, they're big, they are delusional in their own right.

Speaker 1:

Now just take a moment, shut your eyes for us and just follow along for a minute. So shut your eyes, just get really comfortable. Unless you're driving, please don't shut your eyes if you're driving, if you're alone, just shut your eyes. Now I want you to picture in your mind your best friend, or maybe your husband, your wife, your partner, fuck your child, picture somebody you love. Then I want you to picture getting your phone calling their number. They answer and they're like hey, they're so excited to hear from you. You go hey, I just wanted to tell you something. They go yeah, what's that I just want to tell you?

Speaker 1:

And then you read this list as if you were telling this to them, as if you were saying to them hey, look, I don't think you have what it takes. You're actually going nowhere. Your content is shit. No one cares about your story. How does that make you feel Like, just stop in that moment. Imagine the face of your best friend and you've just called them and said hey, no one gives a shit about you.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you think that's okay, that's what you're saying to yourself. Every single time you do this, that is what you're saying to yourself Fuck, I'm not good enough, this is shit, I'm not going to make it. Now, whether you believe in the universe, the woo-woo, the anything, it doesn't matter. But the universe I truly believe is listening and that's where the whole manifestation side of things comes in. So, if you're willing to say that to, we need to rewrite that story. So we'd love you to drop in the comments underneath this video how that made you feel like let's have a conversation. That's, that's raw, and we'll kind of touch base with you inside the Facebook group around this as well. But we just want to make sure that that this hits in terms of I would never say that to my friend, I would never say that to my child or my partner, so don't say it to yourself. Like that's a really big one for us what she's talked about there, because that ego part of it is such a big one in this game and it's something that absolutely holds us back, pulls us back and sits on our shoulder and tells us all those things that we said just a minute ago.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to do another exercise now. What I want you to do now is go grab a new sheet of paper, so that piece of paper that you had before. We want you to grab that piece of paper because that's not you. That is not you, that story is not you. That is what you have made up about yourself. Even when you say something like what will people think? Firstly, who gives a fuck what people think? Secondly, you don't know what they think. You are assuming that they're saying oh, what's she doing, turning up on social media, what's this silly business she's doing? Oh, my God, did you see the TikTok? You think that's what they're saying. You don't know, like what Tori said, it's you, it's that inner child that's trying to keep you safe because of that fear. So you tell yourself those stories. So that's not you.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to start a new page. So that last page. Scrunch it up, rip it up, burn it, whatever you need to do, get it away from you immediately, because that is not you. Start with a fresh piece of paper. We're going to put the little timer on again and you can head on off, put your music on, whatever that might be, We'll come back after. But the very top of this piece of paper needs to say I am. And then, after that, we want you to put all the things that you believe you are I am kind, I am funny, I am whatever but own them. When you say it, they can be anything. I am delusional as fuck. Cool Delulus is the new thing. But we want you to do that now, and then we're going to use that list moving forward. So grab yourself a piece of paper, get rid of the old one, start a new one. We'll see you in a minute. All right, we're back. So how did you go?

Speaker 1:

Did you rewrite your subconscious mind, so some of the things that we've written down here, that we like to sit with and tell ourselves on a regular basis, so we can rewrite that bullshit that you know pops up every now and then. It's not always like you can't just do this and then, all of a sudden, you know your mindset has changed forever. You do need to constantly keep working on this and keep going back to this. I like to have notes and things around me to remind myself of these things. But start with I'm worthy, I'm a fucking legend, I'm creative, I'm interesting, I'm kind as fuck and I'm going to make this work. I'm going to make this work.

Speaker 1:

So if you can keep telling you those things, like your brain is like you've got these neurons firing all the time and if you start to say this stuff to yourself all the time, your brain's going to actually start to believe it and start to think that well, yeah, of course I'm worthy as fuck, I am creative. Like what are you talking about? So, yeah, and just stick that piece of paper that you've written down now, just put it on your wall where you do your content, where you do your work, and just keep looking at it. And even just the other part of when we're rewriting the subconscious and, like Mia said, it's not going to happen overnight Like you're not going to wake up tomorrow and be like I've never said another nasty thing to myself. But what this needs to do is remind you every time.

Speaker 1:

So you create your TikTok, you create your reel and you go. Oh my God, what are people going to think? The second that happens, you go. You know what? I am good enough to make this happen. I am good enough to make this happen. I am going to give this a shot. You rewrite it in that second, absolutely instantaneously.

Speaker 1:

And that's what we want this to do and that's why, personally, I'm such a believer in moving your body, for mental health, because that is for me when I rewrite my script, because there's not very many times that I'll be running on a treadmill or going for a walk or walk up a hill and think I can't do this, I'm shit, I'm unfit, I'm fat, I'm lazy. That's not what I'm telling myself In those moments. I'm going you can do it, come on five more minutes. Oh my God, if you give me 10 seconds, that's all we need. And then you get to the top of that 10 seconds, you go holy shit, you did it, well done, that's. So we want you to do that every single time that negative anything comes in, we just want to shine a light on it so that you can rewrite it instantly with an I am statement. So we want you to practice that, because practice doesn't make perfect, it makes progress, and that's what you need to be doing in if you want to create content that gets you paid and be here in one year, two year, three year, five year. Okay, so that's our little mindset lesson.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening today. I hope that that has had some effect on you in terms of positive effect on you in terms of knowing you would never say those things to yourself. Knowing, well, you might say those things to yourself, but knowing that you wouldn't say them to somebody that you love. And you know what we need to love ourselves that much to know we would never say that to ourselves. So, please, I hope that you did that exercise. If you didn't, because you were driving, that's cool. Come back to it. Do this often. This is something that you can do often, every time you kind of feel like you're stuck, you're overwhelmed and you can't take the next step. Do this because I think it's incredibly helpful and Mia and I absolutely love it, and our community use it often. So please, go and do it. Have a fabulous day, switch that mindset and we can't wait to talk to you soon. Okay, bye. So many good ones too.